Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences






Influence of Zinc in Acidic Medium on Liver Biochemistry of Channa punctatus (Bloch)

Sharma, R. L. and Srivastava, N.
Fish Biology Laboratory,
Department of Zoology,
University of Rajasthan,
Jaipur-302004 (India)

The present experiment was conducted to access the effects of an acidic pH alone and in combination with 20 mg/L and 30 mg/L of Zinc at ph 6 on the murrel C. punctatus (Bloch). Zinc at an acidic pH elicits greater behavioural change in C. punctatus than exposure to an acidic pH alone. An acidic pH, however, appears to be the causative factor for changes in body weight; liver weight and HSL, whereas it tends to have no significant effects on liver proteins. It lowers liver glycogen and increases liver cholesterol content. On addition of zinc at an acidic pH, no appreciable change is brought about in total proteins, while a non-significant decline is noted in glycogen and a significant decline is noted in cholesterol.



Haematological values of Sarcoptic mange infected Hanuman Langurs and its comparison with the normal values

Chhangani, A. K. and Mohnot, S. M.
Indo-U.S. Primate Project,
Department of Zoology.,
J.N.V. University, Jodhpur-342001 (India)

The Hanuman langur (presbytis entellus) is a widely distributed non-human primate of the Indian sub-continent and found in variety of ecological conditions. A number of recent reports have suggested the usefulness of the Hanuman langur as laboratory model in variety of biomedical and virological studies. Little information is available on the haematological values of infected animals. Comparison of normal values with that of infected aI1imai values is useful in selecting animals for experimentation. In the present study, the investigations were carried out from the blood samples collected from the free ranging Hanuman langurs infected with Sarcoptic mange. Haematological parameters like blood-glucose, blood-urea, cholesterol, creatinine, bilurubin, SGOT, SGPT, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium. RBC, WBC were estimated. Results, their importance and comparison with normal values of langurs and humans are discussed.



Fluctuations in Dissolved Oxygen Content and Transparency of River Ramganga and its Tributaries due to Domestic Sewage and Industrial Effluents

Gupta, N. and Khan, A. W.
Department of Animal Science,
MJP Rohilkhand University,
Bareilly-243006 (India).

An attempt has been made in the present work to estimate the dissolved oxygen (DO) content and transparency during different months in the river Ramganga and its tributaries viz. Nakatia, Deorania and Sankha at Bareilly. Two sites, A & B (A-­clear, B-polluted) were chosen at each tributary. Observations made for a period of 12 months recorded a maximum decline in Deorania tributary of river Ramganga with a fall of 58.4% in DO and -32.53% intransparency indicating a higher pollution index of this sampling station.



Report of Survey of Higher Vertebrates of Rivers Yamuna. and Ganga (from Chambal / Yamuna Confluence at Pachnada to Varanasi)

Sharma, R. K.,
National Chambal Sanctuary,
Morena - 476001 (M.P.)

Available information about the occurrence of higher vertebrates in the rivers of Northern India is long outdated, besides being anecdotal and fragmentery. The Yamuna river below its confluence with the Chambal and the section of the Ganga into the Yamuna flows have not been systematically surveyed for higher vertebrates so far. Surveys of the above mentioned sections of rivers have a special significance with regard to the status of the gharial, because they can reveal information regarding migration of this species from the National Chambal Sanctuary, which contains its breeding populations and in which considerable numbers of captive reared gharials have been released to supplement wild populations. With the above objectives, these sections of the Yamuna and Ganga were surveyed in February 1997. The surveys assumed special importance for assessment of the effects of severe floods that occurred in the monsoon season of 1996 on the riverine/riparian ecosystem of the Yamuna and the Ganga.



Contraceptive Efficacy of Piper Longum (50(Yo EtOH Extract) with Special Emphasis on Testicular Cell Population Dynamics,

A. K. Purohit,
Reproductive Physiology Section,
J.N.V. University, Jodhpur.

The administration of Piper longum fruit (50% EtOH) extract to intact rats group at the dose of 1.50 mg/kg body weight for 60 days caused arrest of spermatogenesis. The diameter of seminiferous tubules and Leydig cell nuclei were reduced. The production of spermatocytes (primary and secondary) and spermatids were significantly reduced (P<0.001; 89.67%, 92.72% and 95.97%). The total number of immature and mature Leydig cells were significantly decreased (P<0.001; 71.27% and 80.82%), where as degenerating cells were significantly increased (55.62%). Decreased testicular cell population reflect contraceptive or antispermatogenic nature of Piper longum extract and may be of vital use in fertility control.



Notes on the Genus Pseudovelia Hoberlandt 1950 With the Description of a New Species from India (Hemiptera: Veliidae)

Gupta, Y. C. & Khandelwal V. K
Department of Zoology,
B. S. A. College,
Mathura (U.P.) India.

The Pseudovelia Hoberlandt, 1950, is an important genus of family Veliidae, which is hereto recorded from West Bengal, India. It is the first record of the genus from India. A new species Pseudovelia (s.str.) baijali sp.nov. is described. The Veliidae are perhaps the best known of all aquatic Hemiptera of the world and are extremely common in India waters. The members of the family Veliidae are easily differentiated from the related family Gerridae on the basis of hind leg not surpassing the tip of abdomen and the presence of median longitudinal groove on vertex. Pseudovelia Hoberlandt, 1950 belongs to the sub farnily Microveliinae of the family Veliidae (China & Usinger, 1949). The genus Pseudovelia Hoberlandt, 1950 is easily recognized from the members of other genera due to long, stout and curved antennae which extended more than 2/3 length beyond apex of head, blade like ventral arolium and cone shaped small proctiger which is caudally directed in female.



Total Body Lipids and its Iodine Number in Relation with the Reproductive Activity of Rhinopoma microphyllum kinneari

Purohit, A. K. and Gaur, B. S.
Department of Zoology,
JNV University,
Jodhpur-342005 (India)

Total body lipid (g/100 g dry body weight), its Iodine number and gross body water composition (g/100 g fresh body weight) were recorded from an insectivorous desert bat Rhinopoma microphyllum kinneari during reproductively active and inactive conditions which suggest that body lipid and its Iodine number decrease during active phases. The body water composition in female is elevated during their active phase while the male shows the reverse of it.


